Founding History

1906 Georgia General Assembly passes the Perry Act, establishing the Fourth District Agricultural and Mechanical School
1933 West Georgia College, a junior college, established on the campus of the former A&M school
1996 State University of West Georgia
2005 University of West Georgia


Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges as a Level VI institution
Initially accredited: 1936
Reaffirmed: 2014
Next Reaffirmation: 2024

Carnegie Classification
2018 classification -- D/PU - Doctoral/Professional Universities

University System of Georgia Classification
Comprehensive University

Identification Codes

IPEDS Code 141334
OPEID Code (6 digit) 001601
OPEID Code (8 digit) 00160100




Rural, 665.19 total acres
Carrollton main campus, 645 acres
Newnan Instructional Site, 5.55 acres
Brock Property/Tyus Road, 14.64 acres

Enrollment, Fall 2023

Total Students 12,769
USG FTE 10,257
Undergraduate Headcount 8,454
Graduate Headcount 4,315
Female 69.33%
Male 30.67%
Living on Campus 1821

Degrees and Awards Conferred FY 2023

Total 3,175
Certificates of less than 1 yr 8
Baccalaureate 1,618
Post-baccalaureate Certificate 57
Post-masters Certificate 199
Education Specialist 542
Master 727
Doctorate 24

Geographic Origin of Students, Fall 2023

31 U.S. States and Territories and 40 Countries, not including GA & the U.S.

Degree and Certificate Programs, Fall 2023 (Degrees and Majors Authorized)

106 Total Programs
2 Nexus degree program
46 bachelor degree programs
25 master degree programs
6 Education Specialist degree programs
5 doctoral degree programs - 4 Ed.D. programs and 1 Ph.D. program
22 certificates - 12 post-baccalaureate certificates, 4 post-master certificates,
and 6 undergraduate certificates of less than one year

Top 5 Undergraduate Declared Majors, Fall 20231

1. Psychology (574 majors)
2. Biology (507 majors)
3. Management (491 majors)
4. Elementary Education (433 majors)
5. Nursing, BSN (412 majors)

Top 5 Graduate Declared Majors, Fall 20231

1. EDS in Instructional Technology, Media & Design (758 majors)
2. Certification Ed Leadership - Tier One (457 majors)
3. MAT in Teacher Education (381 majors)
4. EDS - Special Education (296 majors)
5. MED in Instructional Technology, Media & Design (269 majors)

Undergraduate Student-Faculty Ratio, Fall 20232


Full-time Faculty with Doctorate or Other Terminal Degree,
Fall 20233


Student Life, Fall 2023

13 Intercollegiate Athletics Teams - NCAA Division II, Gulf South Conference

2 Honor Societies
12 Religious-Based Campus Organizations
12 Sororities
14 Fraternities
Student Government Association
Student Activities Council
Leadership Programs
Over 120 student organizations including departmental, honorary, international/cultural, professional, political, recreational, religious, social, and special interest organizations.

Operating Budget

$211,577,436 budgeted for FY 2022


$35,684,286.00 FY2022 (end of year)

External Research Contracts and Grant Awards

$3.316 million budgeted FY 2022

Regional Economic Impact*

$633.5 million FY 2022


1Rankings are as of mid-term census date and are based on the self-declared, primary major. Excludes undeclared/undecided and non-degree students.
2 Full-time equivalent students (full-time plus 1/3 part time) to full-time equivalent instructional faculty (full time plus 1/3 part time). In the ratio calculations, exclude both faculty and students in stand-alone graduate or professional programs such as medicine, law, veterinary, dentistry, social work, business, or public health in which faculty teach virtually only graduate level students. Do not count undergraduate or graduate student teaching assistants as faculty.
3All faculty that hold administrative titles such as Dean, Assoc/Asst Dean, Chair, Director, Vice President, Assoc/Asst VP, Librarian, etc. are counted as part-time.
* Regional Economic Impact (REI) is calculated by the Carl Vinson Institute for Government as part of a University System of Georgia Initiative. REI is only available at the institutional level. The most recent report can be found on the University System of Georgia website.

Just the Facts

Disclaimer and Census Dates


It is important to note that the information on this web site may differ from data reported by the Office of Institutional Effectiveness and Assessment to other federal, state, and regional agencies due to differences in reporting guidelines, reporting definitions, and the timing of when the information was prepared. Retention and Graduation rate information will be updated annually following the Fall semester USG Census Date - October 7th.

Census Dates

Mid-Term Census Dates
SemesterADC Census I DateADC I Due Date
SummerJuly 8July 15
FallOctober 7October 14
SpringFebruary 22March 3
End-Of-Term Census Dates
SemesterADC II Census DateADC II Due Date
SummerAugust 6August 13
FallDecember 20January 7
SpringMay 12May 21


Disclaimer and Census Dates


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